phone: +353 98 56806 email: INFO@MSTAUNTON.COM
Myles Staunton & Co Solicitors provides specialist commercial legal advice to companies in the private and public sectors. Using a pragmatic in-house style focussed on protecting and adding tangible commercial value to its clients, the firm has a proven track record in managing a wide portfolio and completion of high value commercial transactions both in Ireland and internationally.
The firm gives clients the benefit of an in-house style with the added benefit of acting as external advisors when formally needed.
The firm has a fully supported office and its internal technology is set up for domestic and international business.
“The IT Association of Galway (ITAG) has engaged Myles Staunton of Myles Staunton & Co on a number of occasions to present to members, which include CEO and CFO’s within the IT sector. The feedback from those attending was very positive in terms of how the information was presented and also by the sectoral specific knowledge that Myles has.”
"In their negotiation style, Myles Staunton & Co has managed to balance the company's need to limit its potential contractual liabilities whilst being both pragmatic and commercial in his approach."
If you have a requirement for our services, please contact us and we will be pleased to discuss your requirements further.